Insects and Bug-Themed Attractions in Orlando for Kids That Are Totally Buzz-Worthy

Insects and Bug-Themed Attractions in Orlando for Kids That Are Totally Buzz-Worthy

From the resiliency of The Itsy-Bitsy Spider to the miraculous adaptivity of The Hungry Little Caterpillar to the brave heroism of Ant Man and Wasp, we kind of teach our kids to like or even love bugs from an early age. And it’s a good thing that most children…

14 Sensory-Friendly Places in Orlando, Events and Acitivites

14 Sensory-Friendly Places in Orlando, Events and Acitivites

In recent years, awareness and acceptance of neurodivergent diagnoses—such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and sensory processing disorder—have increased. To better serve customers of all abilities, with and without disabilities, many businesses are promoting inclusive, family-oriented environments. Here’s a round-up of sensory-friendly activities and destinations in…

15+ Best Kids’ Classes in Orlando Worth Every Penny: $15 and up

15+ Best Kids’ Classes in Orlando Worth Every Penny: $15 and up

Aside from the basic costs of food, clothing, housing, transportation and other family needs, parents often “pay to play.” You see, when it comes to extracurricular activities — which 71% of parents with children say at least one of their kids is involved in — expenses add up. A…

Where to Donate Halloween Candy in Orlando and Creative Ideas

Where to Donate Halloween Candy in Orlando and Creative Ideas

Your little pumpkins likely don’t shy away from the sweet ritual of trick-or-treating. But, parents, here’s a truly frightening fact: On average on Halloween, children consume more than 16 times the daily recommendation of sugar, according to the National Retail Federation. That equates to roughly three whopping cups of…

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