
Phelps Park: An Orlando Playground for a Happy Outing

Sometimes you need a playground you haven’t been to before to shake things up. I love exploring Orlando neighborhoods, and a favorite local playground of ours is Phelps Park. Our own neighborhood is about 15 minutes away, and visiting this posh area of Winter Park is a fun outing on occasion. Here’s why my son and I love Phelps Park as a local Orlando playground.

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Wooden Structures Phelps Park Playground Winter Park Orlando

Phelps Park Playground Features

  • Toddler play area
  • Large slide and structure for ages 5-12
  • Wooden climbing structures
  • New metal climbing playground

The first time I took my son to Phelps Park I immediately noticed the wooden structures. This playground is whimsical and inviting.

The toddler play area is right up front and has multiple places for little tykes to play. There is a small structure with a few short slides. Plus, a wooden boat and hut.

Toddler Play Area Phelps Park Playground Winter Park Orlando

When our little guy was just a toddler he loved these small slides, and as he grew older he would play pretend restaurant in the hut with other parkgoing kids.

It didn’t take long for the large wooden playground towards the back to pique his interest. Even though he wasn’t tall or old enough for the large slide at the top, he tried to go for it.

Older Kids Play Area at Phelps Park Playground Winter Park Orlando

And now that he is old enough, it is his favorite spot at Phelps Park playground.

NEW Playground

A new play area opened in Phelps Park recently. This metal play structure is like the ultimate set of monkey bars. Kids are free to climb and swing any which way they choose on this structure.

New Climbing Structure Phelps Park Playground Winter Park Orlando

One downside is this portion of the park has no shade. So be sure sunscreen is applied and water is nearby before letting your kiddos loose on this new structure.

Other Things to Do at Phelps Park

  • Basketball court
  • Tennis courts
  • Small grassy field
  • Picnic pavilions

The tennis courts at Phelps Park are almost always bustling with players. And the basketball court is a popular gathering spot for Winter Park teens and locals.

Basketball and Tennis at Phelps Park Winter Park Orlando

Restroom facilities and a water bottle filling station make this a comfortable Orlando playground. Plus there is a fair amount of shade too.

Phelps Park – Winter Park
1206 N Phelps Ave, Winter Park, FL 32789
Open 8am – 8pm
Picnic and party facilities available to rent

Put this playground in Winter Park on your list to visit soon!